Skin Cancer Management
Melanoma is the third most common Australian cancer diagnosis with over 12,000 people being diagnosed annually. Around 1500 Australian lives were taken by Melanoma in 2014. Early diagnosis is key to improving outcomes. Melanoma can be difficult to diagnose early given the large variety of colours and shapes the spots can present themselves.
If you have any new or changing moles, freckles or spots then it is advised they are reviewed by someone skilled in the detection and management of melanoma such as Dr Moz
Non Melanoma Skin Cancer
Two other types of skin cancer are quite common in Australia. These are called Basal Cell and Squamous Cell cancers. They are far more common than Melanoma and typically do not spread however they continue to grow and invade the part of the body where they are growing if left untreated.
In 2014 around 600 people died of a Non Melanoma skin cancer and over 750,000 Australians had a treatment for a non melanoma skin cancer.
These cancers are typically closely related to sun exposure and can present themselves as itchy, scaly, painful or bleeding skin spots. Sometimes there are changes in the skin that can be picked up on a skin check that allow us to treat these lesions in the early stages before they become cancerous.
Skin Checks
Dr Moz uses digital total body mapping paired with video dermatoscopy in order to carefully assess each spot and assist in making the best decision in relation to management. Each skin check involves a full head to toe examination of the patient with any suspicious spots imaged and a discussion at the end of the consultation about any suspicious lesions.
Treatment Options
Dr Moz is capable of managing a wide variety of skin lesions with options ranging from simple excisions to more advanced skin grafts and flaps being utilised to ensure complete treatment where possible and a strong focus on ensuring functional and cosmetic outcomes are achieved. In the rare instances where a procedure cannot be performed safely in the rooms Dr Moz can discuss treatment options that are tailored to your needs. At all times the focus is on collaboration with the patient to ensure a safe and desirable outcome for what can be a stressful time.